
Stunner has made a name for himself as a producer through his productions for Edo Saiya. For the artist he produced, among others, the songs "Aneinander vorbei" and "Hättest du gewollt" on the #5 album "The Entire History Of You" as well as several songs on the #2 album "x6". He also participated in the production of several songs by Sierra Kidd on the #1 ranked album "Naosu".

Produced for

  1. Edo Saiya
  2. Sierra Kidd
  3. Kidnfinity
  4. Rylo Rodriguez
  5. Tommy Gunz

Successful songs (prod. by Stunner)‌

Aneinander vorbei - Edo Saiya (2020)
On Froze - Edo Saiya (2021)
2015 - Edo Saiya (2021)

ArtistConnect - Playlist (PROD. BY `Stunner´)


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