Fabien Herfray - Founder @ Producerfury

Fabien Herfray - Founder @ Producerfury

In today's conversation, we have the pleasure of talking with Fabien Herfray, solo founder of Producerfury. In this interview, he shares what inspired him, the milestones the startup has achieved, and his long-term vision for the company.

What inspired you to start this particular venture?

Fabien: "I’ve been doing basically two things my whole life: making music and hacking on side projects.

One day, I ended up exchanging with a bunch of music producers and I realized that most of their day-to-day workflow was slow and painful. My software engineer reflexes kicked in and I decided that I would do something about it. I started many projects and tools, but they ended up being either too ambitious or not completely aligned with what people really needed.

I decided that this time, I’d stay lean and I’d focus on allowing producers to do one thing: describe the artists they’d like to work with (genre, monthly listeners), find their perfect match, and reach out to them on Instagram. https://producerfury.com was born."

What milestones has your startup achieved since its inception?

Fabien: "It’s still very early. I shipped the first version after one month, noticed some traction and I’ve been iterating since then. It went over a hundred users and I acquired my first paying customers. I'm preparing for the next steps."

What is your long-term vision for the company?

Fabien: "Overall, I’m thinking pragmatically. As an indie hacker, it’s hard if not impossible to join an industry, do a big bang launch with a bold revolutionary product and let the paid marketing fill the funnel. In the short and medium term, the vision is to plug as much as possible in the platforms and tools that the producers are already using, and to just add some features on top. To be a premium addon. Long term, why not go back up the tree, rebuild some of the external platforms and remove the dependencies."