Donnie Katana

Donnie Katana

Donnie Katana is a Billboard & gold producer who got his breakthrough producing the song "Wake Up" by YBN Nahmir. He later worked with Nardo Wick, $NOT, Night Lovell, 1nonly, Ciscaux, and Kevin Abstract, among others. He recently produced several songs on the album "Ethereal" by $NOT.

Produced for

  1. YBN Nahmir
  2. Nardo Wick
  3. $NOT
  4. Night Lovell
  5. 1nonly

Successful songs (prod. by Donnie Katana)‌

YBN Nahmir - Wake up (2021)
Wickman - Nardo Wick (2021)
Human - $NOT feat. Night Lovell (2020)

ArtistConnect - Playlist (PROD. BY `Donnie Katana´)

Donnie Katana - Discography

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