Backdrop: Spearheading Technological Transformation in the Entertainment Industry

Meet Caitlin and Akanksha, the dynamic duo and force behind 'Backdrop' a trailblazing startup aimed at revolutionizing the entertainment industry's operations. Combining their collective experience from renowned companies such as Honey, Microsoft, PayPal, Uber, and JP Morgan & Chase, they're leveraging their tech, film, and finance expertise to bring a much-needed modernization to the industry. With a successful stint at Y Combinator and recognition from TechCrunch as one of their favorite startups, they're on a determined mission to redefine operational efficiency for film sets and production companies.

What inspired you to start this particular venture?

Caitlin: Having worked on film sets and grown up around them, I saw how antiquated the technology in the industry is. During my time on set, I had to manage hundreds of paper receipts and manually reconcile them. Fast forward 10 years and that’s still how things are done. With Backdrop - we eliminate manual work to save over 70% of the time spent on creating expenses, purchase orders, and getting approvals globally.

Akanksha: Caitlin and I have built industry leading technology products at companies like Honey, Microsoft, PayPal, Uber, and JP Morgan & Chase. With the rare tech, film, and finance experience on the team, we are really passionate about bringing modern technology to the entertainment industry, to help crew members and production companies become operationally efficient.

What milestones has your startup achieved since its inception?

Akanksha: We got accepted into the world’s leading startup accelerator, Y Combinator, home to world-renowned companies like Airbnb, Stripe, Doordash, etc. Since our inception earlier this year, we have visited various film sets and have talked to hundreds of crew members and production companies to build our product with them. The feedback has been incredibly positive. In fact, TechCrunch picked us as one of their favorite startups.

What is your long-term vision for the company?

Caitlin: Our journey, so far, has been filled with many learnings and observations. And we have seen how fragmented and janky existing financial and software products are that serve the industry. Our vision is to be the only company that productions need, from managing money to managing the day to day operations of the business.

Through their venture 'Backdrop,' Caitlin and Akanksha are set to transform the way the entertainment industry manages their finances and daily operations. Their long-term vision is to create a world where productions rely on a single, efficient, and streamlined platform for all their needs. With their passion, innovative mindset, and a promising start, there is no doubt that they are one step closer to making their vision a reality.

Backdrop: Expense management for TV & Film Productions
Backdrop: Expense management for TV & Film Productions